Wednesday 25 November 2015

There were only a couple of questions on regular expressions, so don’t worry too much about them. Match types (exact match, head match, and regular expression match) were also quizzed once or twice. Just understand the differences between them, rather than worrying about having to construct any. Those questions were fairly simple, compared to some of the stuff on Profile Filters and eCommerce tracking.
But I suppose that’s enough of me talking to you. Here’s the Google Analytics questions and answers that you need to know to have a shot at passing!
Q: What is the purpose of “_trackPageview()”?
A: To register a pageview in Google Analytics.
Q: True or False: Google Analytics can NOT track visits to cached pages.
A: False. The Analytics tracking code will still be executed on a cached page.
Q: True or False: by default, Google Analytics will track the number of visitors.
A: True
Q: True or False: by default, Google Analytics will track the referrer that directs visitors to your site.
A: True
Q: True or False: by default, Google Analytics will track the average amount of time spent on your site.
A: True
Q: True or False: by default, Google Analytics will track the click path of individual visitors.
A: True.
Q: Where can you find the Google URL Builder?
A: The URL Builder is located in the Help Center.
Q: What can the URL Builder help you with?
A: The URL Builder can help to create URLs with tracking parameters already attached.
Q: True or False. You should manually tag banner ads with campaign tracking variables.
A: True
Q: True or False. You should manually tag email campaigns with campaign tracking variables.
A: True
Q: True or False. You should manually tag non-AdWords PPC campaigns with campaign tracking variables.
A: True
Q: True or False. You should manually tag organic search results with campaign tracking variables.
A: False, you can’t do this.
Q: True or False. You should manually tag AdWords campaigns with campaign tracking variables.
A: False, autotagging will do this for you.
Q: True or False. You should manually tag bookmarks with campaign tracking variables.
A: False
Q: How can you track visitors from a newsletter, banner, or email marketing campaign?
A: Manually tag the destination URLs of the campaign that you send visitors to.
Q: What is the formula for ROI?
A: (Revenue – Cost) / Cost; be prepared to do some basic ROI calculations during the test.
Q: What are the three minimum campaign variables you should utilize to tag a URL using manual tagging?
A: Source, Medium, and Campaign.
Q: What is the correct parameter to identify different versions of an ad?
A: Use the content parameter utm_content
Q: What is the formula for Click-Through Rate?
A: Clicks / Impressions
Q: Google AdWords data is not showing up in your account as google / cpc. Why might this happen?
A: It can happen if autotagging is not enabled in your AdWords settings, or if a redirect is stripping out the gclid.
Q: True or False: You can view Campaign data in Google Analytics with AdWords manual tagging enabled.
A: True.
Q: True or False: You can view Placement URL data in Google Analytics with AdWords manual tagging enabled.
A: False.
Q: True or False: You can view Match Type data in Google Analytics with AdWords manual tagging enabled.
A: False.
Q: True or False: You can view Ad Group data in Google Analytics with AdWords manual tagging enabled.
A: False.
Q: Reports show that visitors are coming from paused or discontinued campaigns. Why might this be?
A: If the visitors were originally referred by that campaign, and are now coming back as direct visitors, they will be attributed to the paused or discontinued campaign.
Q: What is a referrer?
A: It is the URL of an outside website from which a visitor comes to your website.
Q: On your, you are seeing traffic coming from / referral. Why might that be happening?
A: You may have several subdomains and the Google Analytics Tracking Code is not configured properly.
Q: A search engine appears in the list of referring sites. Why might this happen?
A: It could happen if someone was referred to your site through a personalized search page, for instance.
Q: What are the two most common ways that visitors can be recorded as “direct / (none)” in Google Analytics?
A: If they type your website’s URL into their browser directly, or if they come to your site through a bookmark.
Q: In the Google Analytics Intelligence Events, what types of alerts are available?
A: You can get Daily alerts, Weekly alerts, Automatic alerts, and Custom alerts through Google Intelligence.
Q: True or False: You would use Intelligence to set up a custom alert.
A: True.
Q: True or False: You can use Intelligence to alert you if weekly revenue increases or decreases by an unexpected amount.
A: True.
Q: How can you use the Landing Pages Report in assessing website performance?
A: You can use it to identify landing pages with high bounce rates, and to determine where visitors are entering your website.
Q: What is one indication of a poorly performing landing page?
A: A high Bounce Rate, perhaps greater than 90%.
Q: What is Bounce Rate?
A: The percentage of visits on a website where the visitors views one page and leaves without any interaction on the website.
Q: You are getting high bounce rates on a landing page from a particular keyword. Why might this be?
A: If the content on the landing page does not meet the expectations of people searching for that keyword, they may immediately leave your website and contribute to a higher bounce rate.
Q: Which metric can you use to determine if one type of campaign was responsible for initiating conversions?
A: The Assisted Conversion Value
Q: Your visitors have a habit of visiting your site several times before converting. Which metric could help you determine whether or not a particular keyword is part of a conversion path?
A: Assisted Conversions
Q: What are some valid location dimensions?
A: Country/Territory, City, and Region are valid dimensions. Address is not a valid dimension, as Google Analytics does not track Personally Identifiable Information.
Q: True or False: Bounce Rate is a dimension.
A: False. It is a metric.
Q: True or False: %New Visits is a dimension.
A: False. New Visitors is a dimension, but %New Visits is a metric.
Q: True or False: Screen Resolution is a dimension.
A: True.
Q: True or False: Region is a dimension.
A: True.
Q: True or False: Browser is a metric.
A: False, it is a dimension.
Q: True or False: City is a metric.
A: False, it is a dimension.
Q: True or False: Average Time on Site is a metric.
A: True.
Q: True or False: Pageviews is a metric.
A: True.
Q: You want to find out which keywords visitors from Chicago use to find your website. How can you do this?
A: In the Map Overlay report, select the Keyword dimension for the city of Chicago.
Q: How can you determine the conversion rate for people on a certain Operating System and located in a particular city?
A: Looking at the Operating System report, choose City as your secondary dimension.
Q: People are spending more time on your site. How can you tell if they are actually interacting more on the site?
A: Look for an increase in Pages per Visit.
Q: What does the Visit Duration report show you?
A: It categorizes visits based on the amount of time they spend on your website.
Q: If a visitor conducts two transactions on your website during one visit, how many conversions and how many transactions will be tracked by Google Analytics?
A: 2 transactions, and 1 conversion.
Q: If a visitor subscribes to your newsletter, than someone else on the exact same computer also subscribes during the same session, how many conversions will be tracked?
A: Google Analytics will count 1 conversion.
Q: What is a good metric for measuring the quality of traffic to your website?
A: Conversion rate.
Q: If Channel X equally initiates and assists in conversions, what would its Assisted/Last Interaction Conversion value be?
A: It would be exactly 1.
Q: What does the Site Search Report tell you?
A: It can help you determine how your visitors are searching your site.
Q: How can you determine whether people who use your Site Search have a higher conversion value than people who do not?
A: Go to the Site Search Usage report and view the Goal Conversion tab.
Q: What types of goals can Google Analytics track?
A: Destination URLs, time on site, pages per visit, and events.
Q: What is available in Google’s Real Time Reporting?
A: You can view pageviews per second, pageviews per minute, and active number of visitors.
Q: Can Real Time show you whether or not the Google Analytics code snippet is working on a particular page?
A: Yes, according to Google.
Q: You just added new content and would like to see if people are viewing it. Can you use Real Time to determine this?
A: Yes.
Q: What are some ways you can use profiles?
A: You can look more closely at traffic to one subdomain, you can look more closely at traffic to one directory or section of a website, and you can limit access to some segments of data.
Q: You want a profile to include only Google AdWords data. How can you do this?
A: Use an Include filter.
Q: Is profile filter order applied in order, or all at once?
A: In order, so be careful how you apply filters on your data.
Q: True or False: You can apply an Advanced Segment to historical data.
A: True.
Q: True or False: You can compare Advanced Segments side by side in reports.
A: True.
Q: How can you track user engagement on websites that use Flash or AJAX and are located on one HTML page?
A: You can use Event Tracking, or track interactions as Pageviews and set goals.
Q: What is the purpose of a virtual pageview?
A: To track activity that visitors may complete that does not result in a natural pageview.
Q: How can you track Flash Events with Google Analytics code?
A: _trackEvent() or trackPageview() will work.
Q: You have two buttons on your website and would like to track if people click on Button #1 more than Button #2. Can you do this in Google Analytics? If so, how?
A: Yes, you can track this. Use Event Tracking.
Q: What are the three elements of Event Tracking?
A: Categories, Actions, and Labels.
Q: Using regular expressions, how could you filter out the IP address range of through
A: ^222\.11\.222\.([1-9]|10)$ (Use the IP address range tool for questions like this one!)


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AdWords Certification Exam Tips

Latest Google AdWords Fundamentals Exam Question & Answers 2016

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